Grungy w/ Wasted Paris - LA ROBE NOIRE.

Grungy w/ Wasted Paris

mardi, mars 22, 2016

Where do you see a piercing ?

Il me reste 1 ou 2 posts avec mes cheveux longs et encore blond foncés avant de passer au blanc ;) J'avais shooter ça en hiver mais ça tombe bien il recommence a faire bon donc passage à la robe midi mais bonnet pour ceux qui se lèvent tôt >< Oui a 6h il fait quand même que 0°C dehors chez moi mais 13°C en journée donc ça va =) Look 90's avec des accessoires made in France -> bonnet de chez Wasted, des petits shop parisiens qui commence a bien percer partout et les fameux choker de chez Pretty Badly. Jeffrey Cambell, Jeffrey Campbell, Jeffrey Campbell !! *-* Je les aurai toutes! (Et j'en ai déjà pas mal ^^')


There remains 1 or 2 posts with my long and blond hair before shooting with my white hair ;) I shoot this post in winter but it's a good thing because the weather become great so midi dress ! But it's cold at 6am, almost 0°C so I need beanie too =p Look 90's with accessories made in France -> beanies from a parisian store Wasted and lovely choker from Pretty Badly. Jeffrey Campbell, Jeffrey Campbell, Jeffrey Campbell !! *-* I will have all of them one day! (And I have already a lot ^^)

Dress CN Direct  /  Shirt Levi's  /  Coat Zara  /  Choker Pretty Badly
Shoes Coltrane by Jeffrey Campbell  /  Beanie Wasted 

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10 commentaires

  1. cute grunge look


  2. So good! Xx

  3. Lovely look!

  4. Wonderful post, love it! :)
    Could you click on the links in this post (dress, bag and "Banggood")? I try to cooperate and I would be grateful for the help :)
    I encourage you to follow for follow, too :)

